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Author: Amber Willingham

Hi - I am Amber aka A.L., and I am an author. I empty nest with my husband of almost 30 years and my four rescues. I have two "adult" children and have published one book with 3 more in the que. I am new to the publishing world and have learned that to grow my readers I have to grow my audience, so, here I am, jumping in with both feet! Wish me luck!

Bliss Creek, A Novel and Author A.L. Willingham highlighted on Superbrand Publishing interview with Juliet Clark

Thank you Juliet Clark and Superbrand Publishing for allowing me the opportunity to talk about my book and my journey with you! Check out the Youtube episode where we discuss life, writing and the journey, oh and my first novel Bliss Creek! Juliet it is always a pleasure to chat with you and I look forward to the next time! You can catch this interview here: and you can buy Bliss Creek here:

A Note From the Author

Hi! Thanks for tuning in! I wanted to share some updates on my journey as an author and Bliss Creek, my first novel.  This book has been a long time in the making – in that I finished it and threw it in a corner to collect dust for a decade!  (gasp)  When my youngest left for college I decided it was time to pick it up and dust it off and see what might become of it.  The publishing process has been a huge learning experience and has taken about nine months, which is appropriate because it felt like giving birth.  I went the independent route as I did not find an agent and so here we are, nine months later with our first book baby!  I am still learning and exploring ways to get my book into reader’s hands.  I have joined the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and when doing so was able to enter my book into a contest for “late bloomers”.   I hope to attend the Texas Library Association Conference next year with the SCBWI.  This year, Debi Burrows and Penguin Suits have registered me for the Austin Book Fair in the fall.  I have no idea what to expect!  I will be going on a podcast/radio 10 city book tour beginning in April and will keep you posted on how you can listen in. (Thank you Juliet Clark!)  That’s all for now!  Until next time, happy reading! – Amber